The electronic fraud among rural university youth A field study on students of Agriculture Faculty, Al-Azhar University, Assiut

Document Type : Research articles.


Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt


The research aimed to identify some related variables to the social media use by rural university youth, determine their use degree, in addition, to determine the spread degree of electronic fraud[1] types among them, identify the reasons that lead to university students falling victim to electronic fraud, determine their knowledge degree of safe use rules of social media. and their implementation degree, determining their knowledge degree of the family supervisory role to protect its members from electronic fraud risk, and identifying suggestions to confront electronic fraud. The research was conducted on a sample of 200 students from the Agriculture Faculty, Al-Azhar University in Assiut, the data was collected through a questionnaire by a personal interview with the respondents during February and March 2024 AD, then it was transcribed and statistically analyzed using SPSS, and numerical tables, frequencies, percentages, arithmetic average, weighted average and relative average were used to view the results. The most important results were as follows:

A high degree of rural university youth’s use of social media with a total weighted average of 2.41 out of three degrees.
The overall weighted average for the spread of electronic fraud types among rural university youth was 2.32 out of three degrees.
The first reason that leads to rural university youth falling as a victim to electronic fraud is the incorrect use of electronic sites and accessing unsafe sites, with a weighted average 1.82 out of two degrees.
More than three-fifths of the respondents (68%) came in the intermediate level category in terms of their knowledge degree of the safe use rules of social media, while most of them (51%) came in the same category in terms of the implementation degree.
Nearly half of the respondents (48%) came in the middle-level category in terms of their opinion on the supervisory role of the family to protect its members from the risk of electronic fraud.

The research ended with a set of recommendations based on its results.
[1]. Electronic Fraud or Internet Fraud or Online Fraud  


Main Subjects