Implementation of comprehensive quality standards in some health units in the countryside of Minya Al-Qamh, Sharkia governorate

Document Type : Research articles.


Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt


 The research aimed to determine the level of knowledge of the respondents about comprehensive quality standards in health units, the level of Implementation of these standards by the respondents, and to determine the significance of the relationship between the independent variables studied by the respondents and the degree of their knowledge of comprehensive quality standards in health units, and the degree of Implementation of these standards, and to identify the obstacles that limit the Implementation Comprehensive quality standards in health units and their Suggestions to solve them. This research was conducted at the Minya Al-Qamh District, Sharkia Governorate, on a sample of 250 respondents from health unit workers, and data was collected using a questionnaire during February and March 2024 AD.
The most important results were:

Nearly half of the respondents (48.4%) came in the high-level category in terms of their knowledge of comprehensive quality standards in health units in general.
The level of respondents’ Implementation of comprehensive quality standards in health units as a whole increased by 46%.
There is a correlation between the variables of age and achievement motivation and the overall degree of knowledge of comprehensive quality standards in health units as a whole.
There is a correlation between the variables of age and achievement motivation and the respondents’ opinion on the degree of Implementation of comprehensive quality standards in health units as a whole.
There is a significant relationship between the job position and the level of opinion of the respondents regarding the degree of implementation of comprehensive quality standards in health units.
The most important obstacles to implementing comprehensive quality in health units are continuous changes in senior management managers related to health management, and the absence of a law or instructions from higher authorities directing the Implementation of comprehensive quality management standards in the health unit.
The most important proposals: Requesting higher authorities to legislate laws and instructions that support the implementation of comprehensive quality management standards in health administration, encouraging and stimulating creativity and innovation among workers in health administration.


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