Document Type : Research articles.


Institute of Economic Research, A.R.C., Giza Egypt.


Study aimed to clarify the economic returns of industry selag of maize
plants as a source of fodder and also estimate the proportion of crop losses
result maize securitization process and bridge the gap of green fodder,
especially in the summer. The study found the following results: -
1 - The first experiment was made without factoring in grain harvest and the
level of the three densities, with grain yields (3.29, 4.28 and 4.13 tones /
acre) respectively for 2005, while the grain harvest (3.77, 4.64 and 4.27
tones/acre) Respectively for 2006 and each of the densities (16,000, 20,000
and 24,000 plants / acre).
2 - For the production of cereal crop production without Selag's initial
experience as it has the highest proportion of the benefits / costs to about
(1.44, 2.16 and 2.1) for the first season in 2005, has value as well (1.28, 2.1
and 1.9) for 2006 intensities of the three Respectively.
3 - For crop losses resulting from the securitization on the level of the three
experiments value ranged between (1.62%, 27.49%) of the 2005 season
with the first plant density 24000 plants /fedan, and in the second season in
2006 ranged from 3.88% density 16000 plants /fedan and 18.37% of the
density of 24,000 plants / acre, and here show the extent of the seriousness
of the problem at the national level.
4 - In case production yield of seed with a production selag the first experiment
realized the ratio of a profit in the first season 2005 about 5482.4 LE/Fedan
up in case of the density 16000 plants/Fedan and about 7574 Le/Fedan with
the density 20000 plants/Fedan and about 7816.5 LE/Fedan up in case of
the density 24000 plants/Fedan than an affirmed of extension the fair made
(80.5%, 66.1% and 76.9%) the succession rose for the densities. The three
value of a fair of the loyal of the second season attained the benefit about
(5338.5, 7722.8 and 7658.7 LE/Fedan) for the three densities (16000, 20000
and 24000 plants/Fedan) respectively for the three densities and this in case
an utilization urea. With the utilization of the ammonia, made about 5628.5

LE/Fedan in case of the density 16000 plants/Fedan, about 7754.1
LE/Fedan, with the density 20000 plants/Fedan and about 8019.6 LE/Fedan
in case of the density 24000 plants /Fedan than attained about (85.3%,
70.1% and 81.6%) the succession rose for the three densities for the first
season 2005 , and for the second season 2006 the benefit (5481.1, 7895.2
and 7854.2 LE/Fedan) ever more about(85.6%, 63.3% and 79.1%),
respectively for the three densities.