Document Type : Research articles.
Cotton seed, Soya bean, Sunflower, Peanut and Sesame are considered
among the most important botanical oil crops. The average area of the
cultivated fields of these crops reached 871,4 thousands acres which
represents about 5,89% of the total crops area that is estimated to be 14,8
million feddan during period (2003-2007).
The research problem is represented in the permanent and increasing
deficiency between the production and the consumption of botanical oils in
Egypt. The research aims at shedding light on the economics of production
and consumption of botanical oils, possibility to increase production, and
attempting to reduce the oils gap which will lead to relief the burdens on the
Egyptian balance of payment .
This study contains seven sections, the first section studies the cultivated
area with oil crops, Through studying the general time trend, it became clear
that there is decrease in areas cultivated with cotton, Soya bean and
sunflower; with an annual decrease estimated with 8,2,6,3,7,18 thousand
feddan consequently. On the other hand, the study shows that there is an
increase in the area cultivated with the peanut and sesame with an annual
average increase amounting about 824,0,4,6 thousand acres during the period
(1991-2007). The second section studies the development of the total
production which indicates production decrease of cotton, Soya bean and
sunflower. While the production of peanut and sesame increased, which
assure that the decrease in the production is due to the decrease of area
cultivated with these crops during the study period. The third section deals
with the production cost and the farm price As it become clear that the annual
increase rate in the production cost per acre for cotton and peanut was higher
than the farm price. As it became clear that the annual increase rate in the
production cost per feddan for cotton and peanut was higher than the farm
price increase rat, that made farmers turn to other competitive crops to the oil
crops, The fourth section illustrates this matter ; as it shows that the annual
increase rate in the net feddan profit is less than the net profit of the of the
comptitve crops. The fifth section studies the production and the
consumption of the oil crops, and the gap between them. This oil gap < br />estimated with 48,5,2,8,17,44,2 thousand tons for cotton seeds, Soya bean
and sunflower oil. The Sixth section studies the production capacity of
botanical oil factories in public and private. This section indicates the
increase of the maximum and actual available capacity of the private sector,
and its decrease in the public sector. The is due to economical liberalization
policies. The seventh section studies the imported quantity of oil crops and
the price of that imported crops, this section indicates that there is an increase
in the price of the imported oils and their quantity which burden the Egyptian
balance of payment.
This study illustrates that the decrease of food botanical oil production is
resulted from the decrease of the cultivated area. So we should support the
farmers and stimulate them to increase the cultivated area by appointing a
good and reasonable supply price for submitting their production, provide
them with agricultural guides who are specialized in producing oil crops,
Moreover, we should employ the unemployed manpower in oil factories of
the publie sector. This can be achieved by economize oils consumption in
order to minimize the oil gap and to relief burdens on the food commercial
balance and Egyptian balance of payment.