Document Type : Research articles.
Soil, Water and Environment Res. Inst., A.R.C., Giza, Egypt
Field experiments were conducted at Tameia Res. Station, Fayoum
Governorate during 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 seasons to study the effect
of the combination between two ridge width treatments, i.e. (R1): ridges of
60 cm width and (R2) : ridges of 120 cm width (beds planted from both
sides), with four irrigation regimes, i.e. (I1) : 30%, (I2) : 45%, (I3) : 60%
and (I4): 75% available soil moisture depletion (ASMD) on sugar beet
yield and its components, quality and some water relations. A split - plot
design with four replication was used. The main obtained results were as
1. Root length, root diameter, root weight, fresh root yield / fed, sucrose,
T.S.S., juice purity percentages and sugar yield/fed were significantly
affected by ridge width, irrigation regime treatments and their
interaction in both seasons, to different magnitudes.
2. Planting on ridges of 60 cm width and irrigation at 30% ASMD gave
the highest root diameter (16.8, 17.3cm), root weight (2.64, 2.73gm)
and root yield (19.78 and 20.56 t/fed in 2007/2008 and 2008/2009,
respectively). However, the lowest averages were obtained from bed
(R2) planting and irrigation at 75% ASMD in both seasons. Root length
under both ridge width treatments significantly increased as ASMD
increased from 30% to 75% in both seasons.
3. The highest sucrose %, i.e. 18.26 and 18.55% in the two
successive seasons were detected from wide ridges planting and
irrigation at 30% ASMD, whereas planting on ridges of 60 cm width
and irrigation at 30% ASMD gave the highest sugar yield (3.58 and
3.80 t/ fed in 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 seasons), respectively.
4. Seasonal consumptive use (ETC) averaged 52.80 and 54.38 cm in the
two successive seasons. The highest ETC values, i.e. 58.86 and 60.26
cm in 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 seasons, respectively were detected
from planting on ridges of 60 cm width and irrigation at 30% ASMD.
Planting on beds and irrigation at 75% ASMD gave the lowest ETC
values, i.e. 46.82 and 47.73 cm in the two successive seasons. Planting
on wide ridges (beds) decreased ETC by 7.00 and 8.71% in the two
5. Daily ETC rates started with low values, then increased during Jan. and
Feb. months and reached its maximum values during March, then
redecreased during April and May. The crop coefficient (KC) during
the growing season months from November until May were 0.55, 0.7,
0.83, 1.05, 1.11, 0.79 and 0.59, respectively, (average of two seasons).
6. Planting on wide ridges (beds) and irrigation at 45% ASMD was
found to be the optimum efficiency of water use, i.e. 8.018 and 8.021
kg roots/m3 water consumed in 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 seasons,
respectively, as a treatment for water rationalization.